How it all began

“Best 45 minute one-way drive I’ve ever driven.”
“I almost cancelled so I could work late!”
Lisa and Laeton met online, just like any other modern day couple. After chatting for a few days, Laeton admitted to being old fashioned and asked to meet in person.

It was January, I was in the middle of the busiest month of the year. Did I really have time to be dating? I finally relented to meeting in person just a few blocks from the office.
And, by just a few blocks from the office, she means approximately a 45 minute drive for me. But, having enjoyed our conversations, I agreed. Despite my city-boy ways, I made the drive to meet.
Thursday night rolled around, I was still at work. Maybe I should just cancel, I have way too much work to do. Lucky for me, my dear friend and co-worker convinced me to go. After all, I was only a few blocks away.
As usual, I showed up a few minutes early. So, what else could I do but sit around and worry about what could go wrong. Is she going to show up? Is she going to be the person she portrayed online? And then, just a few minutes after I arrived, she showed up, her car covered in bird poop!
Yes, it is true, my car was covered in bird poop. What a fabulous first impression. I had foolishly parked under a tree, it was dark and I didn’t realize how bad it was until it was too late! I got out of the car and saw that familiar face, in real life, standing next to the bar entrance waiting patiently for my crazy self to show up.
After a few hours of good, easy conversation, the princess needed to get home before she turned into a pumpkin, so we said our goodbyes and promised to talk again.
As I was preparing to leave, I sent a quick message to my friend, letting her know that I had found something special. I made it home in just a few short minutes. I sent a text to my therapist asking if I could cancel the date I had scheduled with someone else that weekend.
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